Transforming the Lake

Wake the Lake
Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) General Manager Jaime Medina hits hard at illegal fish pen operators, restoring the balance and reviving the country’s largest freshwater lake, Laguna Lake
The shorelines of certain parts of Metro Manila and nearby provinces have long shared an affinity with the mighty Laguna de Bay—the country’s biggest freshwater lake, and the third largest in Southeast Asia. It feeds some 100 rivers and streams, and is a widely recognized source of food and livelihood for many. The many roles of this 900 sq-km expanse of water include supporting businesses and small enterprises, providing electricity and water, and serving as a floodwater reservoir. The relevance of the lake to the country is the pillar of Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) General Manager Jaime “Joey” C. Medina’s drive to ensure its sustainability and to look after the welfare of the most vulnerable Filipinos who depend on it. The LLDA chief is armed with a directive from no less than President Rodrigo Duterte himself who, during his first State of the Nation Address, instructed Medina and the agency to transform Laguna de Bay “into a vibrant economic zone showcasing ecotourism by addressing the negative impact of a watershed destruction, land conversion, and pollution.”
Taking on a significant administrative role is not new to the Political Science graduate of the Ateneo de Manila University. Medina was mayor of Pateros for three consecutive terms for which his adroit governance was recognized. The city’s competitive index— measured by the productivity of its schools, roads, financial markets, and consumers according to the Philippines National Competitive Council— rose in rankings during his terms in office. Pateros received numerous recognitions, including the Seal of Excellence Award in Population Development in 2014, and the Kaagapay Award in Urban Poor Solidarity Week from the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor Commission in 2015.
Known for being a man of action, he did not surprise many when he oversaw a demolition of structures in the lake on his= second day of office. It was a clear demonstration of the LLDA’s renewed commitmentto effect change. “We targeted the structure of big corporations, many of which abused the system,” he tells League. “Many were given permits for five hectares but built structures 60 to 80 hectares big. These blocked many navigational lanes intended for transportation. Some of these structures are located outside designated areas, and many also did not have permits to operate.” As of January 2018, the general manager estimates that a total of 2,100 hectares of these illegal structures have been demolished under his leadership, the highest number of demolished structures. This is equivalent to the land area of the entire city of Makati.
In line with the President’s order to prioritize smaller fisherfolk in the Lake’s development, Medina is making sure that they are given priority when permits to operate are issued. “I will not prioritize the big corporations because they are already rich,” explains Medina, who previously led different councils and committees in the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) on solid waste, health, regional peace and order, and public works. “Our challenge is how we can prevent small fisherfolk from being used as dummy entities of these corporations.”
A general registration of the fisherfolk and their families is being coordinated with different local government units (LGUs) to collect biometrics and ensure that the right recipients benefit from planned government projects. Medina estimates that 22,000 smaller fisherfolk and around 125,000 to 150,000 of their family members will benefit from the livelihood programs being fashioned.
According to Medina, the development of communities surrounding the lake has been one-sided because of access. More affluent cities have had the benefit of infrastructure such as good-quality roads; the poorer ones are not easily accessible by any dependable highway.
Medina observes, “Now, when there are development projects that are proposed, we bring these to the other side so that jobs will be created as well as economic development.” The initiative is aligned with the Duterte administration’s Build, Build, Build program that aims “to increase the productive capacity of the economy, create jobs, increase incomes, and strengthen the investment climate leading to sustained inclusive growth,” according to the Philippine Infrastructure Transparency Program website.
The LLDA will also announce details of the zoning and management plan for the Laguna de Bay Region Master Plan that was last revisited in 1999. In it, specific designated areas for aquaculture, transportation, and business will be formalized. To help the lake “breathe” more, Medina requested a team of scientists and technical experts to look into its aquaculture to understand the sustainable amount of breeding, rearing, and harvesting of plants and animals in the area.
“The team was led by Dr. Emil Javier, former president of the University of the Philippines and a member of the National Academy of Science and Technology,” he shares. “They did two days of pro-bono work. They concluded that only 9,200 hectares of aquaculture are sustainable for Laguna Lake. For every hectare, there should be at least eight hectares that are free. That is the challenge to us—how to limit it to only 9,200 hectares when, at present, we have around 15,000 hectares of aquaculture.”
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Secretary Roy Cimatu has consistently emphasized the importance of Laguna de Bay. The former military chief has committed to the lake’s sustainability efforts and implementation of laws such as the Clean Water Act, the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act, and the Clean Air Act. Cimatu heads the LLDA’s board of directors scheduled to be presented with the updated zoning plan during the first quarter of 2018.
LLDA employees were also challenged anew by their new chief when he assumed office last year. “Before, the mindset of the LLDA was strictly regulatory and there was not much development in the region,” shares Medina. “I have been slowly telling our staff that there should be a new mindset. From being strictly regulatory, we should function as a regulatory-developmental agency.”
LLDA employees were also challenged anew by their new chief when he assumed office last year. “Before, the mindset of the LLDA was strictly regulatory and there was not much development in the region,” shares Medina. “I have been slowly telling our staff that there should be a new mindset. From being strictly regulatory, we should function as a regulatory-developmental agency.”
The general manager also decided to let go of employees leveled with graft and corruption charges, and with recommendations for dismissal. This is to show the LLDA’s stakeholders “that we are serious.” He also had the president’s SONA directives for the agency printed on the wall of his office and in front of their building to remind employees of what is expected of them every day.
Medina has also observed in the Duterte administration that government agencies are encouraged to harmonize their services instead of being only interested in their own respective turfs. “I think that among the responsibilities of the LLDA is to make sure that there is no overlapping of functions and to help complement the work of government agencies,” he says. As an example, different agencies provide permits to every type of motorboat in Laguna Lake.
The 2015 “Pinakamahusay na Punong Bayan sa Kalakhang Maynila” awardee of the Gawad Sulo ng Bayad and Golden Tanod, Inc. has made his office accessible to its stakeholders as well, meeting regularly with mayors so that the developmental projects in the area can be harmonized with city projects. “I learned that there are 11 fish landing centers that are fully funded by the national government, but have not been implemented because they are not able to obtain permits from the LLDA,” he discloses. “The funding was LLDA GM Medina is pushing for awareness about the lake’s potential for transportation to aid the worsening traffic situation in Metro Manila, particularly the 16 million residents who live around Laguna de Bay specific designated areas for aquaculture, transportation, and business will be formalized. To help the lake “breathe” more, Medina requested a team of scientists and technical experts to look into its aquaculture to understand the sustainable amount of breeding, rearing, and harvesting of plants and animals in the area. “The team was led by Dr. Emil Javier, former president of the University of the Philippines and a member of the National Academy of Science and Technology,” he shares. “They did two days of pro-bono work. They concluded that only 9,200 hectares of aquaculture are sustainable for Laguna Lake. For every hectare, there should be at least eight hectares that are free. That is the challenge to us—how to limit it to only 9,200 hectares when, at present, we have around 15,000 hectares of aquaculture.”
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Secretary Roy Cimatu has consistently emphasized the importance of Laguna de Bay. The former military (From top) LLDA GM Medina with DENR Sec. Roy Cimatu, QC Mayor Herbert, Bautista and LLDA AGM Generoso Dungo; DENR Sec. Roy Cimatu, LLDA GM Medina and AGM Generoso Dungo join the others at the recent LGU Summit At the groundbreaking ceremony of “Tubig Para sa Barangay Project” at the Taytay Municipal Hall Grounds, Rizal; LLDA GM Medina with Manila Water Chairman Fernando Zobel de Ayala about to expire. When I learned about it, I talked to the mayors and local government officials. Now, these fish landing centers are almost complete or are done with their groundbreaking. The coordination is faster now.”
The LLDA head shared that this year, he is pushing for a mega project that is based on a masterplan created during the Marcos administration. The plan had three components, with two being completed. First is the construction of the Manggahan Floodway and the building of the Napindan hydraulic structure to serve as sort of a gate to the Pasig River so water will not backflow.
“The third and most important component, the construction of a Paranaque spillway, has not yet been done,” he reports. “Right now, the only outlet of the Laguna Lake is the Pasig River. This means that if the Pasig River reaches full capacity, it will take some time for water to find its way out. That’s what happened during Ondoy in 2009 when Laguna Lake was still flooded three to four months after the typhoon. And most of the time, the Pasig River is also silted.”